Tasokare Hotel Wiki

Welcome to the solution of human's last moments.
―【 Tasokare Hotel 】―

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Welcome to the unofficial English wiki for Tasokare Hotel

誰ソ彼ホテル (Tasokare Hotel) is a free-to-play escape adventure mobile game released SEEC in 2017.

The game features characters who arrived at a hotel on the verge of death while their memories remain blank; as the story progresses, newly arrived characters work together with the protagonists to recall their background and the circumstances that lead to their death.


誰ソ彼ホテル 挿入歌「酩酊」 -公式PV-

Intoxication PV (BGM song)

Release Date

December 17th, 2017 (Android)

December 22nd, 2017 (iOS)

Official Twitter



Android version

iOS version

Latest activity[]

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